New: All price alerts always in sight

January 18, 2024  |  Scalable Capital
Keep track of all the price alerts you have set so far in the Scalable Broker with the new price alerts overview.

Price alerts help to make better trades - like entering a position at a favourable price - or to react to volatility. Once a price alert is set, you save yourself the trouble of having to constantly track prices yourself.

You don't remember for which security a price alert is active? Or would you like to manage all your price alerts in one place? This is now possible with the new price alerts overview. Here you can edit price alerts as well as add or delete new price alerts. The price alert overview can be accessed on the web via the bell symbol at the top right of the portfolio view and in the app via the three dots next to “Portfolio” in the portfolio overview.


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Author Scalable Capital
Scalable Capital
Broker with flat rate
Scalable Capital is a leading fintech in Europe that brings people and technology-based investing together. Scalable Capital offers a broker with a trading flat rate that enables customers to trade shares, ETFs, cryptocurrencies and funds themselves and to conclude savings plans.